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Colorful, fragrant, and—in some instances— tasty, flowers are a wonderful addition. Chefs looking to add a unique flavor or pop of color to their plates. *While the Farms optimized and designed for the growth of leafy greens, our Farms have had success growing a variety of root vegetables and flowers.
Crop Varieties
Nigella Viola
Yarrow Zinnia
Flower Varieties
Princess Calendula
Flashback Calendula
Aplha Calendula
Pampas Pluse Celosia
Sunday Gold Celosia
Jewel Mix
Nasturtium Deflt
Blue Nigella Helen
Mount Violas
Majestic Giants II Formula Mix
Violas Sorbet Formula Mix Violas
Colorado Mix Yarrow
Jazzy Mix Zinnia
Oklahoma Mix Zinnia
Queen Red Lime Zinnia
Sunbow Mix Zinnia
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